생일 축합니다 우영씨 !!!
so today is 우영 from 2pm birthday, so since his my favourite i'll dedicate an entry for him ㅋㅋㅋ
서울 보고 싶어요 ~ :s
so i know i haven't updated for a week but life sometimes is just to much to handle and truthfully i'm addicted to 아이리스 its so goood ~
i'm going to start watching 신데렐라 언니 which for you non-korean readers is Cinderella's Sister starring 문근영 and 옥택연 from 2PM :D can't wait
i should really take uni seriously but i'm just so lazy
서울 보고 싶어요 ~ :s
so i know i haven't updated for a week but life sometimes is just to much to handle and truthfully i'm addicted to 아이리스 its so goood ~
i'm going to start watching 신데렐라 언니 which for you non-korean readers is Cinderella's Sister starring 문근영 and 옥택연 from 2PM :D can't wait
ahh can't wait
i should really take uni seriously but i'm just so lazy