Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tokyo - 넬


Days to come stand in front of us

like a row of burning candles –

golden, warm, and vivid candles.

Days past fall behind us,

a gloomy line of burnt-out candles;

the nearest are still smoking,

cold, melted, and bent.

I don’t want to look at them: their shape saddens me,

and it saddens me to remember their original light.

I look ahead at my burning candles.

I don’t want to turn, don’t want to see, terrified,

how quickly that dark line gets loner,

how quickly one more dead candle joins another.

By C.P Cavafy

I borrowed a book the other week, it was a book filled with poem about everyday life. I've never before really been interested in the art of poetry except for Chaucer but nonetheless, I LOVE THIS BOOK. It was full of wit and humor and sadness and despair but it was just so genuine. 

I've been neglecting this blog, I apologize but I'm not sure if I even have anymore readers left  ㅠ.ㅠ
Anyway some new news, i've recently joined a gym. I've decided I need to have an awesome body by summer time. 
Plus i'm getting my tattoo soon, can't wait.

Friday, August 6, 2010

희망은 잠들지 않는 꿈 - 규현 (Super Junior)

its been awhile hasn't it?
i guess i've been distracted by you're shinier, maybe cooler brother; Tumblr.
i'm sorry for abandoning you for awhile but now i'm back.

someone i know is leaving to go back to his hometown this coming Tuesday,
i guess i feel sad. i guess i will miss him. i guess i will feel regret about all the times we could have.
i guess i will feel longing. i guess i will soon move on and maybe one day forget. i guess there's a chance this goodbye is forever. i guess he will never know that i know. i guess i will never know until the time comes.

knowing the future was never a human forte