Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tokyo - 넬


Days to come stand in front of us

like a row of burning candles –

golden, warm, and vivid candles.

Days past fall behind us,

a gloomy line of burnt-out candles;

the nearest are still smoking,

cold, melted, and bent.

I don’t want to look at them: their shape saddens me,

and it saddens me to remember their original light.

I look ahead at my burning candles.

I don’t want to turn, don’t want to see, terrified,

how quickly that dark line gets loner,

how quickly one more dead candle joins another.

By C.P Cavafy

I borrowed a book the other week, it was a book filled with poem about everyday life. I've never before really been interested in the art of poetry except for Chaucer but nonetheless, I LOVE THIS BOOK. It was full of wit and humor and sadness and despair but it was just so genuine. 

I've been neglecting this blog, I apologize but I'm not sure if I even have anymore readers left  ㅠ.ㅠ
Anyway some new news, i've recently joined a gym. I've decided I need to have an awesome body by summer time. 
Plus i'm getting my tattoo soon, can't wait.


Anonymous said...

LOL. for your last P.S. tatt?? it'll hurt you too much.. your too weak. =P

Anonymous said...

p.s i'm reading it. that's enough.

peeham said...

i joined a gym too, have no idea how it happened. those bastards sucked me into it! AHHH!!

woo p ? said...

tche i want more readers than 1 susan -.-"

nah its good annie, you feel so good afterwards

peeham said...

yeah i do actually. but my wallet doesn't.

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